We always knew that we wanted children, but after a 7 year fertility struggle that ended with failure and miscarriage, God finally opened our hearts to adoption. Our daughter was born in 2016 after only 4 months of waiting and she redeemed all of the loss and grief we had felt in the years past. We knew we always wanted more children because we had more love to give and we wanted her to have a sibling, so we decided to start the adoption process again when she was 3. Little did we know that we would be waiting over 2.5 years this time. Although it was extremely challenging to wait in silence during this time, we continually felt God saying "just wait, my timing is perfect." And so we waited. In January of 2022 we found out on a Tuesday afternoon that we had been matched with a baby boy in Missouri who was due in 3 or 4 weeks. We were cautiously excited. Four days later we got a phone call saying that his birth mom was in labor and that we should pack up and come up to Missouri. So we frantically packed up and prayed as we went that this was meant to be. By the time we arrived at the hospital that night, our son, Sawyer Lansing Caldwell had been born. As soon as he was brought in to meet us we were instantly in love and knew that God's timing really was perfect. My husband Bryon likes to brag that he was the first male to hold Sawyer (just like he was with our daughter). We are so blessed to have this precious little addition in our family and we know that God was with us every step of the way. We are eternally grateful to his birth parents for choosing life and for choosing us to parent him. We are grateful to everyone who has prayed for us, donated to our adoption fund and supported and encouraged us along the way. And we are grateful that we have a savior that has shown us a new meaning of being adopted sons and daughters of Christ through the gift of adoption here on earth. Our cup overflows.
In Christ Alone,
Bryon & Tiffany Caldwell
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11
You can read more about the Caldwell's in their first post from 2019 here