Growth Spurt

Sweet update: Fernando and Leslie brought home their baby girl in January 2020. They have come out to RGT since then and participated in the 5K as a family! Read below for the backstory...

Fernando and Leslie are expecting a growth spurt. Not your typical growth spurt--they hope to grow by two feet in the coming months. Two cute little feet!

This beautiful couple contacted RGT for adoption assistance recently and we have their permission to share some of their story....a story that is still being written. Leslie and Fernando share in their own words...

Our journey towards adoption has been one orchestrated by God. It was our desire to have both biological and adopted children one day. We have been through a difficult road of infertility for five years but, in it we have seen His grace, mercy, love and guidance. As the years passed, we continued to believe and pray for a baby. Throughout the journey, there were so many times that adoption would come up, even from people that didn’t know us and were not aware of our story. We knew it was the Lord speaking to us, so we took action and decided to learn more about adoption.  It stirred something up in both of our hearts.

We are so thankful that we find ourselves FINALLY waiting to adopt, WAITING to become parents. Waiting to hear those small footsteps and a child’s laughter filling up our home.

We took classes on adoption and to hear how even WE have been adopted into God’s family, it brought us to tears. In one of our classes we heard this “Adoption is not for childless people, adoption is for parentless children”. This really put things into perspective for us. Maybe our journey wasn’t exactly how we planned it, but how the Lord did. We have had fears, excitement, hope, and a lot of trust that God has a plan for us!

We are so thankful that we find ourselves FINALLY waiting to adopt, WAITING to become parents. Waiting to hear those small footsteps and a child’s laughter filling up our home.  We couldn’t have done this journey without the love and support of our family, friends, and our church who have been so instrumental in helping us gather knowledge, training, support, and community. We are asking for your prayers, as we continue on our adoption journey. Pray for the birth mom, for the baby, and for us as we continue to wait on the Lord.

Join us in praying for Fernando and Leslie as they wait.

When you give to GGAM, you are helping families answer God's call to foster and adopt. You are helping to strengthen families as parents love their kids from hard places. And you are providing for the needs of kids who do not have a family.



  • 713-504-3566
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